58% Of U.S. Adults Use Their Smartphone “Too Much”

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According to a Gallup poll, 58% of U.S. adults use their smartphone “too much.” While this indicate a growing addiction, nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that their smartphone has improved their lives. Only 12% say that the smartphone has worsened their lives in some way.

Other findings in the report highlight Americans’ personal connection to their phones. This includes the fact that half of Americans agree with the statement, “I can’t imagine my life without my smartphone.” This is essentially unchanged from 47% in a similar survey in 2015.

44% of Americans say they would feel anxious if they lost their phones for a day. 83% of American adults say they keep their smartphones near them almost all the time during their waking hours.

Americans’ attachment to their phones is strongly linked to their age, according to the report. Adults below 50 likely to report keeping their phones with them around the clock and checking them when they wake up.

However, the age groups differ less when it comes to not being able to do without a smartphone: just under half of adults over 50 say they cannot imagine life without a smartphone versus 53% of 30-49 year olds and 64% of 18-29 year olds.

The sources for this piece include an article in GALLUP.


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