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It’s not you: Google search is getting worse

Google Search, once the titan of internet queries, is facing a new challenge: an influx of SEO spam. A study by German researchers, including Leipzig University and the Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, has thrown a spotlight on this growing problem.

The study, analyzing over 7,000 product review queries, revealed a concerning trend. Spammy, low-quality content is increasingly dominating search results, particularly in product searches on Google. This deluge is drowning out genuinely useful information.

As if traditional spam wasn’t enough, the rise of AI-generated spam is set to make things even trickier. The battle between spam sites and search engines is heating up, with spam often seizing those coveted top spots in Google’s rankings.

Despite efforts to clean up search results, every action is only a temporary fix. And the problem is not restricted only to Google search. The study noted a general decline in all search engines including Bing and Duck Duck Go

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