Passionate about Data: Hashtag Trending, the Weekend Edition with guest Chandrashekhar LSP, Zoho Canada

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Welcome to Hashtag Trending the weekend edition. I’m your host, Jim Love. Passionate about data. That’s how I’ll describe my guest today. And that passion rubs off and friends of the show will know that I too am absolutely passionate about data, but I’m not passionate about it as a problem to be admired it for me, data is more like air.

You need to breathe it in. It energizes you. It. It’s not work, it’s exploration, it’s discovery, and it’s a path to an action. Now, all too many conversations about data go in two directions. There is the initial inspiring conversation. We talk about all the things we can do, and then we get started. And all too often we start to talk about what we can’t do and why we can’t do it and how much data we can reach or can’t use and all that I’ve come to call that admiring the problem.

And then there are the passionate realists that we all know about the problems and issues and barriers, and we’re still passionate about it. I think that will describe my guest today. My guest is Chandrashekhar Lalapet Srinivas Prasanna. And yes, I did practice to say that. I hope I sort of got it right.

Uh, affectionately known to his friends as Chandrashekhar LSP, or sometimes if you know him well enough, just LSP. Chandrashekhar is the managing director of Canada for Zoho. And he has a unique vantage point. And I think a unique point of view on a lot of issues. And one of those is about data.

And this show started with the two of us talking and saying, we’re both passionate about data. And like I said, I think you’ll find it. He’s got the realism in the context that many don’t have. Zoho has clients in Canada and around the world. And as much as I’ll say, our discussion won’t be a commercial for any product, but that hands on experience of making this work with large and smaller companies alike keeps us in our discussions in the land of the real world.

And Although he brings his experience from large enterprises, that’s good. Sometimes in the discussions about data, we ignore the realities of medium and small sized companies who may not have the resources and the budgets that other enterprises have, but still need to understand, manage, and take action from their data.

So, Ever since that point where we both looked at each other and said, we have to have this conversation, I’ve been looking forward to this. I hope you are too in the audience. Welcome to my guest. Welcome Chandrashekhar.


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