77% of employees report that AI has increased their workload: Survey

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A recent study conducted by The Upwork Research Institute highlights a significant disconnect between executive expectations and employee experiences with AI in the workplace. Despite 96% of C-suite executives anticipating AI to boost productivity, 77% of employees report that AI has increased their workloads and hampered productivity. This has led to a rise in employee burnout, with 71% of full-time workers feeling overworked and 65% struggling to meet their employer’s productivity demands.

The study also reveals that nearly half of the employees using AI are unsure how to achieve the productivity gains expected by their employers, and 40% feel overwhelmed by these demands. This has contributed to a high turnover intention, with one in three employees considering quitting their jobs within the next six months due to feeling overworked and burnt out.

Interestingly, the study found that freelance talent is outperforming full-time employees in meeting productivity demands. C-suite executives who have integrated freelance workers into their workforce report improvements in organizational agility, quality of work, innovation, scalability, and revenue. Freelancers have become essential to business operations, with 80% of leaders acknowledging their importance and 38% planning to hire freelance talent in the coming year.

These findings suggest that while AI has the potential to enhance productivity, its implementation must be managed carefully to avoid overburdening employees. Companies might need to rethink their strategies, potentially leveraging freelance talent more effectively to meet business goals without exacerbating employee burnout.


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