hashtag trending

Hashtag Trending Feb.26-Cybersecurity firm selling your data? AT&T outage; Microsoft’s updates may no longer force you to reboot your computer

A cybersecurity firm selling your data? AT&T says a flawed network update caused last week’s major outage. Self checkout may be watching you more closely using AI. And Microsoft has announced that updates may no longer force you to reboot your computer.    All this and more on the “ah, come on, Reboot? I’m late

Hashtag Trending Feb.23- Companies losing top talent with long hiring processes; Intel – the “foundry for the world?”; AT&T outage

(PRE MUSIC ANNOUNCEMENT) If you know me, you know I’m passionate about three things – music, books and data. My interview on the weekend edition hits two of those passions. I read a book called Winning with Data Science, and it blew me away. So, I reached out and managed to get one of the

Hashtag Trending Feb.22- ChatGPT generates gibberish responses; Japan tries to get back its chip manufacturing; New app to cut back on food waste

ChatGPT starts spewing gibberish. Critics complain about the environmental impact of AI and the secrecy of the major players, Japan aims to get back its chip manufacturing and a new app that saves money, cuts back on wasted food and reduces greenhouse gases.   These and more top tech stories on the “finally some good

Hashtag Trending Feb.21- LockBit website goes down; Microsoft takes on Nvidia; Online backlash against OpenAI

An international effort has brought down the notorious LockBit ransomware gang, Microsoft has developed its own tech to replace Nvidia and a huge backlash against OpenAI on social media.    All this and more on the “Jeez, you take one long weekend and the world explodes” edition of Hashtag Trending. I’m your host Jim Love,

Hashtag Trending Feb.21- LockBit website goes down; Microsoft takes on Nvidia; Online backlash against OpenAI

An international effort has brought down the notorious LockBit ransomware gang, Microsoft has developed its own tech to replace Nvidia and a huge backlash against OpenAI on social media.    All this and more on the “Jeez, you take one long weekend and the world explodes” edition of Hashtag Trending. I’m your host Jim Love,

Hashtag Trending Feb. 20- OpenAI’s new offering Sora; Zuckerberg says tech layoffs may continue in 2024; Reddit to sell user generated content to large...

Reddit will sell user generated content to an unnamed AI company, Mark Zuckerberg says that tech layoffs were a “natural response” and may continue in 2024, and the U.S. continues to invest in chip production, OpenAI launches Sora, its new text to video marvel.   And I’ve finally seen it – the first mention of

A hopeful vision for the internet and AI: My conversation with Ed Watal, author and founder of Intellibus. Hashtag Trending Weekend February 18th, 2024

Sometimes an interview goes off in a totally different direction than you anticipated. I walked into the studio prepared to interview Ed Watal on the issues of AI and its influence on elections. We were to talk about deep fakes and their impact on voters and explore what we could do about that. But our

Cisco joins the list of tech companies announcing layoffs. Hashtag Trending, Friday Feb 16, 2024

Every once in a while, you have an interview that goes off in a totally different direction. That’s what happened this weekend.  My guest, Ed Wattel, an AI thought leader, came in to talk about elections and how we’ll deal with AI and deep fakes. And we ended up with a fascinating discussion on the
