Today's News

Study finds 94% of spreadsheets have critical errrors

94% of spreadsheets contain critical errors, what can we learn from looking at companies that DON’T have major disruptions and is it time to...

Elon Musk claims DDoS attack caused issues in live-streamed interview with Trump – experts are skeptical

Elon Musk blamed a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack for a 40-minute delay in his live-streamed interview with presidential candidate Donald Trump on...

Google anti-trust ruling a financial disaster for Firefox

The recent antitrust ruling against Google could have significant repercussions for Mozilla Firefox, which relies heavily on Google’s payments to remain the default search...

Trump campaign hacked by “foreign sources”

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign acknowledged on Saturday that some of its internal communications had been hacked, following reports that POLITICO had received emails...

Microsoft’s aim to user friendly interface jeopardizes email security

Users are increasingly urging Microsoft to revise how Outlook displays sender email addresses, citing the feature's potential to aid phishing and scamming efforts. The...

Winners can also lose: Attorneys may not get the fees they claim in settlement with Google

Attorneys who settled a class action lawsuit with Google LLC over privacy issues related to Chrome’s “Incognito” mode are facing skepticism from a federal...

Dell has another major round of layoffs

Dell has initiated another round of layoffs, affecting a significant number of employees, including long-term company veterans. HR exit meetings began on Tuesday morning,...

One of the biggest data breaches ever, billions of users affected

National Public Data (NPD), also known as Jerico Pictures, is facing a class action lawsuit following a massive data breach that has exposed the...
